Fox News Trying to Rile People Up for No Good Reason Again

I saw this post today about a Fox News interview with this guy claiming that Microsoft is trying to change society by nudging writers into using politically correct language. As usual, they do not present the full story and therefore get people all upset over nothing. 

First, this feature has been around for quite a while. Apparently, this guy just noticed it. But the most important thing to know is that it is totally optional. If you don't care about what Microsoft labels as "Inclusiveness" then do not select it. It is NOT included by default - you have to select it for it to suggest politically correct alternatives. The interview doesn't touch on that. These guys want you to think Microsoft, through their Word software, is in some "woke" conspiracy to brainwash us. Hogwash. I wish they would quit trying to create issues where none exist.
